Registration Fee
Registration Category | REGULAR REGISTRATION 1st FEB - 15th MARCH 2023 |
EMA Members | USD 450 | USD 500 |
Physicians | USD 550 | USD 600 |
Nurses & Allied Health Professionals | USD 350 | USD 400 |
Residents & Students | USD 250 | USD 300 |
(5% VAT charges will be calculated on each registration category as per UAE Federal Government. Rates displayed above are excluding VAT)
- Registration fee entitles participants to attend the sessions
- Registration fee entitles participants to attend all the general and concurrent sessions, entrance to the exhibition, daily coffee breaks, daily lunch and congress materials
- * For administrative purpose a copy of your ID is required as a proof in order to avail the registration fee for EMA Members and Students
Payment Terms & Conditions
- 100% refund - cancellation 30 days before the event date with a deduction of administrative fee of USD 100.00 or AED 365.00.
- No refund - 100% cancellation fee will be charged for any cancellations 30 days prior to the event date.
- In the event of it being necessary for whatever reason to postpone or cancel the Congress, the organizer will not be liable for any expenditure, damage or loss incurred by the Participant.
- In the event of cancellation, the participant will be refunded any monies paid to Wiredin Events LLC after deducting the bank charges.
- If the Congress is postponed due force majeure to a later date, the participant registration will remain valid and he/she will be allowed to attend the event. However, an administrative fee of USD 55.00 plus bank charges will be applied should a participant opt to cancel their registration and request for a refund.
Submission Guidelines
Language: All abstracts are to be written in English. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to edit abstracts where the English structure makes comprehension difficult.
Submission: All abstracts must be uploaded via the Online Abstract Submission portal in pdf or word format. This should be limited to a maximum of 500 words and should include the following:
- Title of Abstract
- Names and contact details of author(s) {organization, city and country, email, phone numbers, and mailing address}. Please underline the name of the presenter/s clearly and provide a 3-line biography of the author/s with your abstract (not included in the word limit).
- The abstract must include the following headings clearly:
Background, Methods, Results and Discussion - (Please provide evidence of ethical approval and funding acknowledgements, if any)
- Any graphs, charts, diagrams, photos or other forms of display of results can be uploaded separately
- Abstract submission will be acknowledged via email. If you do not receive an email within two (2) weeks of submission or have any additional queries, please contact us by email at secretariat@efmsociety.ae
- All abstracts must be submitted on or before 16th February 2023.
Scientific Topics are open to all Family Medicine related topics
Family Medicine is defined as ‘the medical specialty which provides continuing and comprehensive health care for the individual and family. It is the specialty in breadth which integrates the biological, clinical, and behavioral sciences. The scope of family practice encompasses all ages, both sexes, each organ system, and every disease entity.’ (AAFP)
Abstracts must contain original scientific data collected by the author(s). All reports must be based on work that has already been completed. No studies “in progress” will be accepted. Any established research design or method may be used.
Poster Presentation Specifications:
- Information should be summarized using brief written statements, graphic materials, such as photographs, charts, graphs, and diagrams.
- Authors must prepare all posters beforehand.
- Poster orientation must be portrait. Clear labels must be used for each section of the poster. Text should be of sufficient size for easy reading at a distance of 1.5 meter (between 16-20 font size).
- Title must be displayed clearly at the top of the poster and should include the names of the author(s) and the institution(s) of origin and country.
Selection Criteria
Abstracts will be evaluated through a blind review process and scored based upon the following criteria to be selected for E-Poster Presentations:
- Originality
- Concept and Design
- Presentation
- Clinical Applicability
- Other Characteristics
Terms and Conditions
- The scientific committee reserves the right to make the final decision about the abstract acceptance and its scheduling into the program, based on topics and time constraints.
- The language of the congress is English.
- All abstracts must be prepared using the abstract submission guidelines.
- Each presenter may submit a maximum of two abstracts.
- Each abstract submission must indicate if the material was published or presented in any other congress or if it received any awards.
- All presenters must register to attend the congress within a maximum of 1 week of acceptance of the abstract and be present at the time of the congress.
- A certificate of appreciation will be given to all the presenters to honour their presentation.
- Presenters must not use the session as a marketing opportunity for products/equipment.
- Congress registration charges will be waived off for accepted poster presenters only (for the Main Author only).
- Payment for travel /accommodation/visa charges is not provided.
- International Faculty -
DR. David Glenn Weismiller
MD, ScM, FAAFPProfessor
Department of Family and Community Medicine
Kirk Kerkorian School of Medicine University of Nevada
Las Vegas, USA
DR. Eddie Needham
MD, FAAFPProgram Director and Academic Chairman Advent Health Winter Park Family Medicine Residency Program,
Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Loma
Linda University School of Medicine
Professor, Department of Family Medicine,
University of Central Florida School of Medicine
Florida, USA
DR. Jonathon Firnhaber
MD, MAEd, MBA, FAAFPVice Chair for Academic Affairs
Education & Residency Division Director
Associate Professor, East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine Department of Family Medicine
North Carolina, USA
DR. Robert Baldor
MD, FAAFPVice Chair of the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health University of Massachusetts Medical School
2016 Recipient of the Allen Crocker Health Services Award
Boston, USA
DR. Justin Bailey
MD, FAAFPProcedural Institute Director
Family Medicine Residency of Idaho
Idaho, USA